
Day 09 - Carol Brown

It was another chilly night, although the cold easterly wind did die down as the night wore on.

I packed up and got back onto the path where I immediately came upon Rob Hausam who’d been camped on the hostel lawn at Newtonmore. Rob was clothed from head to foot in Cuben Fibre, a high tech ultralight fabric. Actually not quite head to foot; his feet were clad in some very strange footwear which looked like a cross between gloves and socks.


We walked together for a while, and then one or the other of us pulled ahead, and then we ran into Freddy and James, and so it carried on, walking together sometimes, apart at others. There were others making their way up the glen too, most bound for Mar Lodge.


Challengers in Glen Feshie

River crossing

Bridge over R Eidart

By the time we reached the watershed between the Feshie and the Geldie the weather had become overcast and cold again......

Rob, Freddy, James

Rob, Freddy and James ponder

........and it seemed a long haul down to White Bridge in these conditions. At White Bridge I stopped on the near bank for a second lunch, but a person I hadn’t noticed on the other side of the river called me over to join him. Chris Peart’s from Somerset too, and very kindly had some hot water ready for me to make some soup which I followed with a roll and cheese from Newtonmore. The timely arrival of Sue and Martin Banfield provided us with home-made chocolate flapjack to finish with. Thanks Sue.

I left Chris when he started on the popular Challenge pastime of looking at his feet, and catching up Freddy made my way down to the Linn of Dee.

Looking down towards the Linn of Dee

At the Linn of Dee Freddy carried on down to Mar Lodge, which sounded like it was going to be bursting, what with a wedding party and the extra number of Challengers the bad weather had brought. I turned north into Glen Lui and just above the bridge and the forest I set up the tent on a bit of flat ground beside the river.

Not much to write about today despite the long miles, and even the title of this page is just a catchy little tune was running through my head, but at least one gets really good company coming this way.

Day 10

Day 11

Day 12

Day 13

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